Monthly archive August, 2012
Honey: Nature's #1 Elixir

Honey: Nature’s #1 Elixir

While reading up on beeswax for our previous post, we inevitably came across the magical properties of its sibling, honey. Honey has it all. Its antioxidant and anti-bacterial properties make it a powerful booster for energy and the immune system, a facilitator for digestion and for weight loss, a sobering agent, a healing agent, a...
Must-read Vol. 1: Gather Journal

Must-read Vol. 1: Gather Journal

We are adding an exciting new category to our blog, showcasing some of our favorite–new and old–must-reads. In the spirit of newness, today’s must-read features the premiere issue of the journal Gather. This brand new journal is part recipes, part gorgeous photography, with playful tidbits and whimsical food stories intermixed. Summer commands this edition of...
Ubiquitous Beeswax

Ubiquitous Beeswax

Beeswax is another one of our new favorite materials, as we hunt for some magnificent beeswax-based products to bring to you. The use of beeswax for health and beauty purposes is ubiquitous, and has been, for thousands of years. Its rare properties make it one of nature’s most magical and versatile products. Even at the inception of beeswax,...
Cast Iron

Cast Iron

We have developed a serious fixation on cast iron over here, inspired by some holiday product plans already in the works. In order to become experts on this impressive metal, we have learned about its properties, what makes it unique, what differentiates it from other metals and why the old stuff is better than the...