Domestic Manufacturing Makes a Comeback
In a testament to good old-fashioned ingenuity, record numbers of American are engaging in entrepreneurship these days. A lot of folks tired of waiting around for an economic upturn have decided to create their own jobs. It’s called “necessity entrepreneurship,” and according to a study by the University of Missouri published last year, the percentage...
Crafting a Good Life, One Spoon at a Time
For Jonathan Simmons of Jonathan’s Spoons, running a cottage industry that creates and sells handcrafted, natural wood products is more than business. It’s an extension of his personal philosophy, which prizes independence and fair trade over all. “It means I am free to do what I want,” said Simmons, 58, “but it’s more than that....
Border Crossing
While Hudson Made celebrates the artisans and craftspeople of Hudson Valley and New York City, we also realize that this passion is part of a growing interest in cottage industries and the locavore movement. Perhaps nowhere in the country is this more prevalent than in the rolling hills of the Berkshires of western Massachusetts Such...
The Sweet Goodbye of Winter
“A sap-run is the sweet good-by of winter. It is the fruit of the equal marriage of the sun and frost.” John Burroughs, Signs and Seasons, 1886 Two winters ago a friend was passing through New York on her way from Quebec and brought me a big can of maple syrup from the airport’s gift...